Purpose and Use of SFN 904 624-05-30-15-05
(Revised 2/10/07 ML #3053)
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PI 17-25
SFN 904 must be completed before specialized family foster care payments can be made to foster parents. It is initiated out of the permanency planning committee meeting. After it has been signed by the foster parent, county social service board in the county of physical residence of the child and the regional foster care supervisor in the physical region of the child, it is to be distributed as indicated on the form.
The dollar amount or level to be paid is that agreed upon at the permanency planning committee meeting. The contract can be written for any length of time up to the end of the current state biennium. Contracts in place at the conclusion of the year will need to be renegotiated on new contract forms at the beginning of the new biennium. It is recommended that the agreement be used as a part of the treatment planning process for the parent, the child, the foster parent, and the agency.